AppSync vs. Firebase Realtime Database

October 25, 2021

AppSync vs. Firebase Realtime Database

When it comes to building apps that require real-time data synchronization, developers have a couple of options to choose from, including AWS AppSync and Firebase Realtime Database. Both of these cloud APIs provide excellent real-time data syncing capabilities, but they are different in terms of performance, scalability, features, and pricing.

In this blog, we will dive into a detailed comparison of the two cloud APIs, providing you with unbiased facts, numbers, and references. So, get ready, fasten your seatbelts, and let’s get started!

Performance and Scalability

Both AppSync and Firebase Realtime Database provide real-time data synchronization capabilities, but they differ in terms of performance and scalability. AppSync leverages GraphQL, a query language for APIs, to provide a powerful and flexible data retrieval and manipulation. On the other hand, Firebase Realtime Database uses a JSON tree data model to store and sync data in real-time.

According to AWS, AppSync scales automatically based on demand, which means it can handle high load without compromising performance. Additionally, it is designed to cache queries and mutations, further improving performance. Firebase Realtime Database, on the other hand, provides real-time data sync capabilities but lacks the auto-scaling feature that AppSync boasts.


Firebase Realtime Database has been around longer and has a more extensive feature set than AppSync. Some of the features of Firebase Realtime Database include robust security rules, native iOS and Android SDKs, offline support, and multi-platform database support. AppSync also comes with a rich set of features, including real-time data sync, offline data sync, and GraphQL-based API for complex data queries and manipulation.


Pricing is a crucial factor when choosing a cloud API, and both AppSync and Firebase Realtime Database employ different pricing models. AppSync pricing is based on the number of API requests, data transfer, and data stored per month. Firebase Realtime Database pricing is based on data storage, data transfer, and database usage.

Based on our research, Firebase Realtime Database is more affordable than AppSync, especially for small and medium-sized applications. However, once the data size grows, the pricing gap between the two shrinks, and AppSync may become more cost-effective for large-scale applications.


That's it for our comparison of AppSync and Firebase Realtime Database. We hope this post helps you make an informed decision when selecting the right cloud API for your application. Remember, both cloud APIs offer excellent real-time data sync capabilities, but they differ in terms of performance, scalability, features, and pricing. Choose wisely, and don't forget to have fun building your application!

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